2024-25 Soccer Statistics - Prince George's Community College

Shot %
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 8-2-3 (.731)
Conference 7-2-3 (.708)
Streak Won 4
Home 5-1-2
Away 3-1-1
Neutral 0-0
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Sep 24 Harford Community College T, 0-0
Oct 1 WVU Potomac State College
Oct 3 at Howard Community College W, 2-0
Oct 8 WVU Potomac State College W, 4-0
Oct 15 at Hagerstown Community College W, 4-0
Oct 17 Cecil College W, 2-0
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Games 13 10th 12 12th
Shots 253 6th 231 5th
Goals scored 37 6th 33 6th
Shot percentage .146 13th .143 12th
Shots-per game 19.5 5th 19.3 5th
Shots on goal 128 7th 122 5th
SOG percentage .506 12th .528 11th
Assists 28 6th 25 4th
Corner kicks 67 6th 61 5th
Penalty kicks 1-2 13th 1-2 9th
Yellow cards 21 8th 21 5th
Red cards 0 12th 0 12th
Shutouts 6 4th 5 4th
Home Attendance 780 2nd 720 2nd
Home Attendance average 98 3rd 103 1st
Field Players
# Name Yr Pos gp gs gpg a/g pts/g sh/g sh% sog/g sog%
00 Ngonya Tajong Freshman GK 5 - .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
0 Jairo Caceres Freshman GK 13 13 .00 .08 .08 .00 - .00 -
2 Nashawn Brandon Freshman D 3 1 .00 .67 .67 .33 .000 .00 .000
3 Messi Morales Freshman D 11 8 .00 .09 .09 .64 .000 .36 .571
4 Muhammad Sallah Sophomore D 13 12 .31 .00 .62 .85 .364 .38 .455
5 Kevin Santos Freshman M 8 - .00 .00 .00 .38 .000 .25 .667
6 Zico Tesheira Freshman M 13 12 1.31 .23 2.85 5.00 .262 2.69 .538
7 Osenose Ibhagui Sophomore F 12 9 .08 .00 .17 1.25 .067 .67 .533
8 Michael Argueta Diaz Freshman M 8 - .00 .25 .25 .13 .000 .13 1.000
9 Leonardo Chicas Freshman F 7 - .14 .14 .43 .43 .333 .29 .667
10 C. Dexter Nguekam Sophomore M 13 12 .08 .23 .38 1.77 .043 .62 .348
12 Randy Salvador Sophomore D 13 13 .00 .15 .15 .62 .000 .15 .250
13 Jerson Chirino Freshman F 9 7 .56 .11 1.22 2.44 .227 1.33 .545
15 William Donahue Freshman D 10 - .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
16 Shawn Adjekum Opong Freshman F 11 - .09 .00 .18 .36 .250 .27 .750
17 Diego Smith Freshman D 10 9 .00 .00 .00 .10 .000 .10 1.000
18 Shane Lopez Haddia Freshman D 13 13 .00 .31 .31 1.62 .000 .62 .381
19 Abdulsalam Osman Freshman F 12 10 .00 .25 .25 1.25 .000 .50 .400
20 Frank Olom Sophomore M 13 3 .08 .23 .38 .69 .111 .46 .667
21 Perez Hengoue Freshman F 11 6 .55 .18 1.27 3.00 .182 1.73 .576
22 Guillermo Villalta Sophomore D 12 11 .00 .00 .00 .17 .000 .08 .500
23 Chichebem Ezenduka Freshman M 8 - .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
26 Noah Mozelle Freshman F 10 - .00 .00 .00 .60 .000 .40 .667
27 Chiga Egwuonwu Freshman D 6 - .00 .00 .00 .33 .000 .00 .000
28 Alexi Velasquez Freshman D 10 3 .00 .00 .00 .10 .000 .10 1.000
Totals     13 13 2.85 2.15 7.85 19.46 .146 9.85 .506
Opponent     13 13 2.85 .77 2.92 10.69 .101 6.15 .576
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
00 Ngonya Tajong Freshman GK 5 0 10:55 .00 0.00 .80 1.000
0 Jairo Caceres Freshman GK 13 13 85:48 1.08 1.13 4.85 .818
Totals     13 13 90:00 1.08 1.08 5.15 .827
Opponent     13 13 90:00 2.85 2.85 7.31 .720
Field Players
# Name Yr Pos gp gs g a pts sh sh% sog sog% yc rc pk gw
00 Ngonya Tajong Freshman GK 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
0 Jairo Caceres Freshman GK 13 13 0 1 1 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
2 Nashawn Brandon Freshman D 3 1 0 2 2 1 .000 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0
3 Messi Morales Freshman D 11 8 0 1 1 7 .000 4 .571 5 0 0-0 0
4 Muhammad Sallah Sophomore D 13 12 4 0 8 11 .364 5 .455 2 0 0-0 1
5 Kevin Santos Freshman M 8 - 0 0 0 3 .000 2 .667 0 0 0-0 0
6 Zico Tesheira Freshman M 13 12 17 3 37 65 .262 35 .538 2 0 0-1 5
7 Osenose Ibhagui Sophomore F 12 9 1 0 2 15 .067 8 .533 2 0 0-0 0
8 Michael Argueta Diaz Freshman M 8 - 0 2 2 1 .000 1 1.000 1 0 0-0 0
9 Leonardo Chicas Freshman F 7 - 1 1 3 3 .333 2 .667 0 0 0-0 0
10 C. Dexter Nguekam Sophomore M 13 12 1 3 5 23 .043 8 .348 3 0 0-0 0
12 Randy Salvador Sophomore D 13 13 0 2 2 8 .000 2 .250 0 0 0-0 0
13 Jerson Chirino Freshman F 9 7 5 1 11 22 .227 12 .545 1 0 0-0 1
15 William Donahue Freshman D 10 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
16 Shawn Adjekum Opong Freshman F 11 - 1 0 2 4 .250 3 .750 0 0 0-0 0
17 Diego Smith Freshman D 10 9 0 0 0 1 .000 1 1.000 0 0 0-0 0
18 Shane Lopez Haddia Freshman D 13 13 0 4 4 21 .000 8 .381 0 0 0-0 0
19 Abdulsalam Osman Freshman F 12 10 0 3 3 15 .000 6 .400 1 0 0-0 0
20 Frank Olom Sophomore M 13 3 1 3 5 9 .111 6 .667 2 0 0-0 0
21 Perez Hengoue Freshman F 11 6 6 2 14 33 .182 19 .576 1 0 1-1 2
22 Guillermo Villalta Sophomore D 12 11 0 0 0 2 .000 1 .500 1 0 0-0 0
23 Chichebem Ezenduka Freshman M 8 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
26 Noah Mozelle Freshman F 10 - 0 0 0 6 .000 4 .667 0 0 0-0 0
27 Chiga Egwuonwu Freshman D 6 - 0 0 0 2 .000 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0
28 Alexi Velasquez Freshman D 10 3 0 0 0 1 .000 1 1.000 0 0 0-0 0
Totals     13 13 37 28 102 253 .146 128 .506 21 0 1-2 9
Opponent     13 13 14 10 38 139 .101 80 .576 30 4 2-2 2
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
00 Ngonya Tajong Freshman GK 5 0 54:37 0 0.00 4 1.000 0 0 0 0/2
0 Jairo Caceres Freshman GK 13 13 1115:23 14 1.13 63 .818 8 2 3 4/2
Totals     13 13 1170:00 14 1.08 67 .827 8 2 3 6
Opponent     13 13 1170:00 37 2.85 95 .720 2 8 3 3
Field Players
# Name Yr Pos gp gs gpg a/g pts/g sh/g sh% sog/g sog%
00 Ngonya Tajong Freshman GK 4 - .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
0 Jairo Caceres Freshman GK 12 12 .00 .08 .08 .00 - .00 -
2 Nashawn Brandon Freshman D 3 1 .00 .67 .67 .33 .000 .00 .000
3 Messi Morales Freshman D 10 7 .00 .00 .00 .70 .000 .40 .571
4 Muhammad Sallah Sophomore D 12 11 .25 .00 .50 .75 .333 .33 .444
5 Kevin Santos Freshman M 7 - .00 .00 .00 .43 .000 .29 .667
6 Zico Tesheira Freshman M 12 11 1.33 .25 2.92 5.00 .267 2.75 .550
7 Osenose Ibhagui Sophomore F 11 8 .00 .00 .00 1.18 .000 .64 .538
8 Michael Argueta Diaz Freshman M 7 - .00 .29 .29 .14 .000 .14 1.000
9 Leonardo Chicas Freshman F 6 - .17 .17 .50 .50 .333 .33 .667
10 C. Dexter Nguekam Sophomore M 12 11 .08 .25 .42 1.50 .056 .67 .444
12 Randy Salvador Sophomore D 12 12 .00 .17 .17 .67 .000 .17 .250
13 Jerson Chirino Freshman F 8 6 .50 .13 1.13 2.38 .211 1.38 .579
15 William Donahue Freshman D 9 - .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
16 Shawn Adjekum Opong Freshman F 10 - .10 .00 .20 .40 .250 .30 .750
17 Diego Smith Freshman D 9 8 .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
18 Shane Lopez Haddia Freshman D 12 12 .00 .25 .25 1.58 .000 .67 .421
19 Abdulsalam Osman Freshman F 11 10 .00 .27 .27 1.36 .000 .55 .400
20 Frank Olom Sophomore M 12 3 .08 .17 .33 .75 .111 .50 .667
21 Perez Hengoue Freshman F 10 6 .60 .20 1.40 3.20 .188 1.90 .594
22 Guillermo Villalta Sophomore D 11 10 .00 .00 .00 .18 .000 .09 .500
23 Chichebem Ezenduka Freshman M 7 - .00 .00 .00 .00 - .00 -
26 Noah Mozelle Freshman F 9 - .00 .00 .00 .67 .000 .44 .667
27 Chiga Egwuonwu Freshman D 5 - .00 .00 .00 .20 .000 .00 .000
28 Alexi Velasquez Freshman D 9 3 .00 .00 .00 .11 .000 .11 1.000
Totals     12 12 2.75 2.08 7.58 19.25 .143 10.17 .528
Opponent     12 12 2.75 .83 3.17 11.25 .104 6.33 .563
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
00 Ngonya Tajong Freshman GK 4 0 9:46 .00 0.00 .75 1.000
0 Jairo Caceres Freshman GK 12 12 86:45 1.17 1.21 5.00 .811
Totals     12 12 90:00 1.17 1.17 5.25 .818
Opponent     12 12 90:00 2.75 2.75 7.75 .738
Field Players
# Name Yr Pos gp gs g a pts sh sh% sog sog% yc rc pk gw
00 Ngonya Tajong Freshman GK 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
0 Jairo Caceres Freshman GK 12 12 0 1 1 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
2 Nashawn Brandon Freshman D 3 1 0 2 2 1 .000 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0
3 Messi Morales Freshman D 10 7 0 0 0 7 .000 4 .571 5 0 0-0 0
4 Muhammad Sallah Sophomore D 12 11 3 0 6 9 .333 4 .444 2 0 0-0 0
5 Kevin Santos Freshman M 7 - 0 0 0 3 .000 2 .667 0 0 0-0 0
6 Zico Tesheira Freshman M 12 11 16 3 35 60 .267 33 .550 2 0 0-1 5
7 Osenose Ibhagui Sophomore F 11 8 0 0 0 13 .000 7 .538 2 0 0-0 0
8 Michael Argueta Diaz Freshman M 7 - 0 2 2 1 .000 1 1.000 1 0 0-0 0
9 Leonardo Chicas Freshman F 6 - 1 1 3 3 .333 2 .667 0 0 0-0 0
10 C. Dexter Nguekam Sophomore M 12 11 1 3 5 18 .056 8 .444 3 0 0-0 0
12 Randy Salvador Sophomore D 12 12 0 2 2 8 .000 2 .250 0 0 0-0 0
13 Jerson Chirino Freshman F 8 6 4 1 9 19 .211 11 .579 1 0 0-0 1
15 William Donahue Freshman D 9 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
16 Shawn Adjekum Opong Freshman F 10 - 1 0 2 4 .250 3 .750 0 0 0-0 0
17 Diego Smith Freshman D 9 8 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
18 Shane Lopez Haddia Freshman D 12 12 0 3 3 19 .000 8 .421 0 0 0-0 0
19 Abdulsalam Osman Freshman F 11 10 0 3 3 15 .000 6 .400 1 0 0-0 0
20 Frank Olom Sophomore M 12 3 1 2 4 9 .111 6 .667 2 0 0-0 0
21 Perez Hengoue Freshman F 10 6 6 2 14 32 .188 19 .594 1 0 1-1 2
22 Guillermo Villalta Sophomore D 11 10 0 0 0 2 .000 1 .500 1 0 0-0 0
23 Chichebem Ezenduka Freshman M 7 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 0 0-0 0
26 Noah Mozelle Freshman F 9 - 0 0 0 6 .000 4 .667 0 0 0-0 0
27 Chiga Egwuonwu Freshman D 5 - 0 0 0 1 .000 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0
28 Alexi Velasquez Freshman D 9 3 0 0 0 1 .000 1 1.000 0 0 0-0 0
Totals     12 12 33 25 91 231 .143 122 .528 21 0 1-2 8
Opponent     12 12 14 10 38 135 .104 76 .563 28 4 2-2 2
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
00 Ngonya Tajong Freshman GK 4 0 39:03 0 0.00 3 1.000 0 0 0 0/1
0 Jairo Caceres Freshman GK 12 12 1040:57 14 1.21 60 .811 7 2 3 4/1
Totals     12 12 1080:00 14 1.17 63 .818 7 2 3 5
Opponent     12 12 1080:00 33 2.75 93 .738 2 7 3 3
Download roster: SRO (First Last) | SRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score a sh sh% sv ck yc rc
Aug 13 # at Howard University   - - - - - - -
Aug 16 # Alumni   - - - - - - -
Aug 27 CCBC Catonsville W, 7-1 4 24 .292 3 9 1 0
Aug 29 at CCBC Essex L, 4-0 0 11 .000 2 8 4 0
Sep 3 Carroll Community College W, 8-1 8 34 .235 5 10 1 0
Sep 5 Frederick Community College W, 2-0 1 26 .077 6 4 1 0
Sep 10 at Anne Arundel Community College W, 4-1 4 16 .250 7 2 3 0
Sep 12 at College of Southern Maryland T, 2-2 2 21 .095 7 6 2 0
Sep 17 Allegany College of Maryland T, 2-2 2 23 .087 4 7 1 0
Sep 19 Montgomery College (MD) L, 3-0 0 6 .000 8 2 2 0
Sep 24 Harford Community College T, 0-0 0 15 .000 7 5 2 0
Oct 1 WVU Potomac State College   - - - - - - -
Oct 3 at Howard Community College W, 2-0 2 19 .105 5 3 0 0
Oct 8 WVU Potomac State College W, 4-0 3 22 .182 4 6 0 0
Oct 15 at Hagerstown Community College W, 4-0 1 14 .286 4 1 1 0
Oct 17 Cecil College W, 2-0 1 22 .091 5 4 3 0
Oct 24 vs. CCBC Catonsville   - - - - - - -
Oct 30 vs. TBA   - - - - - - -
Nov 2 vs. TBA   - - - - - - -
gp sh g gfa a pts ga gaa sh% shpg ck sv so yc rc
Total 13 253 37 2.85 28 102 14 1.08 .146 19.5 67 67 6 21 0
Conference 12 231 33 2.75 25 91 14 1.17 .143 19.3 61 63 5 21 0
Exhibition - - - 0.00 - 0 - - - 0.0 - - - - -
Home 8 172 25 3.13 19 69 7 0.88 .145 21.5 47 42 4 11 0
Away 5 81 12 2.40 9 33 7 1.40 .148 16.2 20 25 2 10 0
Neutral - - - 0.00 - 0 - - - 0.0 - - - - -
Wins 8 177 33 4.13 24 90 3 0.38 .186 22.1 39 39 5 10 0
Losses 2 17 0 0.00 0 0 7 3.50 .000 8.5 10 10 0 6 0
August 2 35 7 3.50 4 18 5 2.50 .200 17.5 17 5 0 5 0
September 7 141 18 2.57 17 53 9 1.29 .128 20.1 36 44 2 12 0
October 4 77 12 3.00 7 31 0 0.00 .156 19.3 14 18 4 4 0
Date Opponent Score Attend
Aug 13 at Howard University   -
Aug 16 Alumni   -
Aug 27 CCBC Catonsville W, 7-1 125
Aug 29 at CCBC Essex L, 4-0 80
Sep 3 Carroll Community College W, 8-1 120
Sep 5 Frederick Community College W, 2-0 110
Sep 10 at Anne Arundel Community College W, 4-1 88
Sep 12 at College of Southern Maryland T, 2-2 0
Sep 17 Allegany College of Maryland T, 2-2 70
Sep 19 Montgomery College (MD) L, 3-0 125
Sep 24 Harford Community College T, 0-0 60
Oct 1 WVU Potomac State College   -
Oct 3 at Howard Community College W, 2-0 30
Oct 8 WVU Potomac State College W, 4-0 60
Oct 15 at Hagerstown Community College W, 4-0 0
Oct 17 Cecil College W, 2-0 110
Oct 24 vs. CCBC Catonsville   -
Oct 30 vs. TBA   -
Nov 2 vs. TBA   -