2024-25 Soccer Statistics - Prince George's Community College

Shot %
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 0-0 (.000)
Conference 0-0 (.000)
Streak -
Home 0-0
Away 0-0
Neutral 0-0
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Oct 10 at Carroll Community College W, 2-0
Oct 12 at CCBC Catonsville L, 2-1
Oct 17 at Cecil College W, 4-1
Oct 19 CCBC Essex L, 2-0
Oct 21 Harrisburg Area Community College W, 6-0
Oct 24 at Ocean County College L, 2-0
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Games 15 8th 11 7th
Shots 224 6th 145 5th
Goals scored 37 5th 20 4th
Shot percentage .165 5th .138 4th
Shots-per game 14.9 4th 13.2 5th
Shots on goal 120 7th 71 7th
SOG percentage .536 6th .490 7th
Assists 26 5th 16 4th
Corner kicks 66 6th 49 3rd
Penalty kicks 1-1 10th 0-0 10th
Yellow cards 20 10th 16 9th
Red cards 0 9th 0 8th
Shutouts 4 5th 3 5th
Home Attendance 580 3rd 430 2nd
Home Attendance average 83 2nd 86 2nd
Field Players
# Name Yr Pos gp gs gpg a/g pts/g sh/g sh% sog/g sog%
Totals     15 15 2.47 1.73 6.67 14.93 .165 8.00 .536
Opponent     15 15 2.47 1.47 5.33 16.13 .120 8.40 .521
No players meet the minimum
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
Totals     15 15 90:00 1.93 1.93 6.47 .770
Opponent     15 15 90:00 2.47 2.47 5.33 .684
No players meet the minimum
Field Players
# Name Yr Pos gp gs g a pts sh sh% sog sog% yc rc pk gw
Totals     15 15 37 26 100 224 .165 120 .536 20 0 1-1 7
Opponent     15 15 29 22 80 242 .120 126 .521 18 0 1-2 7
No players meet the minimum
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
Totals     15 15 1350:00 29 1.93 97 .770 7 7 1 4
Opponent     15 15 1350:00 37 2.47 80 .684 7 7 1 4
No players meet the minimum
Field Players
# Name Yr Pos gp gs gpg a/g pts/g sh/g sh% sog/g sog%
Totals     11 11 1.82 1.45 5.09 13.18 .138 6.45 .490
Opponent     11 11 1.82 1.73 6.09 17.27 .126 8.18 .474
No players meet the minimum
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
Totals     11 11 90:00 2.18 2.18 5.91 .730
Opponent     11 11 90:00 1.82 1.82 4.45 .710
No players meet the minimum
Field Players
# Name Yr Pos gp gs g a pts sh sh% sog sog% yc rc pk gw
Totals     11 11 20 16 56 145 .138 71 .490 16 0 0-0 4
Opponent     11 11 24 19 67 190 .126 90 .474 16 0 1-2 6
No players meet the minimum
# Name Yr Pos gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
Totals     11 11 990:00 24 2.18 65 .730 4 6 1 3
Opponent     11 11 990:00 20 1.82 49 .710 6 4 1 3
No players meet the minimum
Download roster: SRO (First Last) | SRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score a sh sh% sv ck yc rc
Aug 29 at Frederick Community College T, 3-3 4 8 .375 7 6 2 0
Aug 31 College of Southern Maryland L, 2-1 0 10 .100 6 6 1 0
Sep 5 at Montgomery College (MD) L, 8-0 0 5 .000 6 2 1 0
Sep 8 at Northern Virginia Community College W, 3-2 3 7 .429 10 0 2 0
Sep 12 Howard Community College L, 2-1 1 13 .077 6 4 4 0
Sep 15 at Harrisburg Area Community College   - - - - - - -
Sep 19 Hagerstown Community College W, 6-0 5 32 .188 0 9 0 0
Sep 21 # United U19   - - - - - - -
Sep 23 CCBC Essex   - - - - - - -
Sep 28 at Harford Community College L, 4-0 0 6 .000 7 3 0 0
Oct 2 Harrisburg Area Community College W, 8-1 4 34 .235 3 7 1 0
Oct 5 Anne Arundel Community College W, 2-0 1 12 .167 7 4 3 0
Oct 10 at Carroll Community College W, 2-0 1 20 .100 4 4 1 0
Oct 12 at CCBC Catonsville L, 2-1 1 8 .125 3 4 1 0
Oct 17 at Cecil College W, 4-1 3 22 .182 9 5 3 0
Oct 19 CCBC Essex L, 2-0 0 9 .000 10 2 0 0
Oct 21 Harrisburg Area Community College W, 6-0 3 31 .194 6 6 0 0
Oct 24 at Ocean County College L, 2-0 0 7 .000 13 4 1 0
gp sh g gfa a pts ga gaa sh% shpg ck sv so yc rc
Total 15 224 37 2.47 26 100 29 1.93 .165 14.9 66 97 4 20 0
Conference 11 145 20 1.82 16 56 24 2.18 .138 13.2 49 65 3 16 0
Exhibition - - - 0.00 - 0 - - - 0.0 - - - - -
Home 7 141 24 3.43 14 62 7 1.00 .170 20.1 38 38 3 9 0
Away 8 83 13 1.63 12 38 22 2.75 .157 10.4 28 59 1 11 0
Neutral - - - 0.00 - 0 - - - 0.0 - - - - -
Wins 7 158 31 4.43 20 82 4 0.57 .196 22.6 35 39 4 10 0
Losses 7 58 3 0.43 2 8 22 3.14 .052 8.3 25 51 0 8 0
August 2 18 4 2.00 4 12 5 2.50 .222 9.0 12 13 0 3 0
September 5 63 10 2.00 9 29 16 3.20 .159 12.6 18 29 1 7 0
October 8 143 23 2.88 13 59 8 1.00 .161 17.9 36 55 3 10 0
Date Opponent Score Attend
Aug 29 at Frederick Community College T, 3-3 0
Aug 31 College of Southern Maryland L, 2-1 80
Sep 5 at Montgomery College (MD) L, 8-0 0
Sep 8 at Northern Virginia Community College W, 3-2 36
Sep 12 Howard Community College L, 2-1 85
Sep 15 at Harrisburg Area Community College   -
Sep 19 Hagerstown Community College W, 6-0 85
Sep 21 United U19   -
Sep 23 CCBC Essex   -
Sep 28 at Harford Community College L, 4-0 120
Oct 2 Harrisburg Area Community College W, 8-1 75
Oct 5 Anne Arundel Community College W, 2-0 100
Oct 10 at Carroll Community College W, 2-0 0
Oct 12 at CCBC Catonsville L, 2-1 75
Oct 17 at Cecil College W, 4-1 44
Oct 19 CCBC Essex L, 2-0 80
Oct 21 Harrisburg Area Community College W, 6-0 75
Oct 24 at Ocean County College L, 2-0 0