Women's Volleyball Returns for BCCC Panthers

Women's Volleyball Returns for BCCC Panthers

Baltimore, MD. – Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) welcomed back Women's Volleyball as they began their 2023 season with a match against WVU Potomac State on August 28, their first since 2016.

The following includes contributions from BCCC's athletics website: www.bcccpanthers.com.

The night was exciting and filled with hope as new coach Shannell Thompson introduced the team to the campus and the National Junior Collegiate Athletic Association. Unfortunately, the team did not win their inaugural contest, but showed tenacity and an awful lot of potential. 

These new Panthers are looking forward to the challenge that will be the first year back for the program and understand there will be a learning curve. Coach Thompson spoke to the team before they went on the court and said, "tonight is an opportunity to learn and grow as players and as a team. Don't be afraid, pay attention and swing".

With a roster filled predominantly with freshman players, BCCC's program has a tremendous opportunity to grow together through the remainder of the fall season. All the members on the team have local ties to Baltimore, and with events such as "Family Night" and "High School Night" on the schedule this season, Coach Thompson and staff have their sights set on continued engagement within the community to further build the program.

To follow the volleyball program at Baltimore City, visit the Panthers Website, https://bcccpanthers.com/sports/womens-volleyball.